Tag Archives: DEF-CON-ONE


Review: DEF-CON-ONE – Warface

As un-metal as it sounds, DEF-CON-ONE are a band that I hold dear to my heart. Not only were they the very first band I interviewed for this site, they were also a band that represented exactly what Dose of Metal is about. We at DoM always said that we wanted to support up and coming metal acts and promote new talented bands, and it’s great to see that one of the first bands we interviewed have been progressing immensely. In the one and a half years since we interviewed DEF-CON-ONE, the band have gone on to play the UK’s metal festival, Bloodstock, have toured extensively, have released a video and finally earlier this year, they released their debut album, Warface.

Once described by myself as sounding like old-school Burn My Eyes era Machine Head, but with a heavy Pantera influence, it’s time to see if DEF-CON-ONE‘s debut lives up to this hype. Make the jump.


DEF-CON-ONE post Warface video

DEF-CON-ONE recently posted the brand new video for their brilliant track Warface, which can be viewed above. Well, they posted it on the 12th, so I’m a little late with this, but that’s just because I’m awesome like that (I also always come late ladies, in case you’re wondering). This is also an excuse to get some good music at the top of the Dose of Metal page to knock that awful Stillwell shit I posted yesterday the fuck down.

If you’re from the UK (or aren’t, but fancy it), you can catch the guys at this year’s Bloodstock Festival.

All your DEF-CON-ONE related information can be found over at their Facebook page.


Kreator and DEF-CON-ONE added to Bloodstock ’11

Dose of Metal informed you that DEF-CON-ONE (featuring Antton of Venom fame) would be ones to watch out for in 2011, and we were right (when aren’t we?). And if you don’t know who DEF-CON-ONE are yet (where have you been?) then check out our interview with them here.

The UK’s biggest pure Metal fest, Bloodstock, has announced they have added more bands to their bill for 2011. Kreator will be making their only UK appearance there, and DEF-CON-ONE, Wolf, 1349, Nemhain and Survivors Zero will all be making an appearance.

Find all your Bloodstock info here.


Interview: DEF-CON-ONE

I recently was contacted by a band known as DEF-CON-ONE. Hailing from the North-East of England (Also known as the most badass part of the country), DEF-CON-ONE may (from their name) sound like a Nu-Metal band to those quick to judge, but those that take the time to check out the band, will find one of THE bands you need to watch out for in 2011.

Although DEF-CON-ONE took me away from my porn browsing habits, I can forgive them, as instead of having a self-induced orgasm, I was offered a full-on Metal eargasm. It was definitely worth the time. Hell, as soon as I heard that Antton of Venom was involved, I just had to check these guys out.

For those of you out there that haven’t heard the band before, they play a very groove oriented form of Thrash Metal (well, at least that’s my opinion). They actually remind me very much of an old-school Burn My Eyes era Machine Head, but with a heavy Pantera influence. Unlike many unsigned bands though, DEF-CON-ONE don’t rely too heavily on their influences and have developed their own sound incredibly well.

All four of the guys were kind enough to answer some of my questions, so check out my interview after the jump. You won’t be disappointed!

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