Tag Archives: Shaun Lopez


Crosses released EP II


††† (or, for the normal people, Crosses), the Chino Moreno / Shaun Lopez collaboration, released their second EP today, non-surprisingly named EP ††.

I have a few questions regarding this: will the third EP be called EP †††? If so, will it be pronounced ‘EP Three’ or ‘EP Crosses’. What if they make a fourth? “EP More Crosses?”

Also, why the fuck are their reversed crosses upside down?

If you don’t have any weird questions and just want to listen to it — tt’s available for purchase on their official website, crossesmusic.com, and the price for the regular download is $3.99, while the deluxe version will cost you $6.99 and get you lots of extras. The first EP is still available for a free download on the website, in case you missed it the first time around, so you can check out the music first if you feel like it.

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