Category Archives: Videos


Tony Iommi likes to do webchats

Tony Iommi answered some fan questions on LiveStream. Have I watched the clip? Not really.

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I take ‘lazy’ to a whole new level, fuckers.


Machine Head also release music video

Machine Head released a video for their song ‘Locust,’ off their Unto The Locust album which our very own Guido reviewed. Unlike Trivium’s album, MH’s effort got a maximum score on our site, which either means it’s really good, or we’re really dumb.

So what’s the video about? Hmm, let’s see. It starts with some shots reminiscent of Metallica‘s “Unforgiven II” video. Then we see some closeup of a locust mutating (or something) and all hell breaks loose with insects, Hitchcock style!

That’s about it, really. The locusts reach the band at some point, but they keep performing… It’s probably a metaphor for illegal downloading. I got that from the millions of insects which probably represent millions of downloads, and they BUG (get it? GET IT? HAHA) the shit out of the band, but they keep going on, anyway. But at the end, they get destroyed by it anyway, because illegal downloading is bad and it ruins musicians.

Okay, so it’s probably not that, but I like to misinterpret music videos so I don’t have to admit to myself how awful they really are. I guess I should have learned by now.

Patience, young grasshopper — pun definitely intended.


Balance is everything

Again, I found a band that wasn’t featured, to the extent of my knowledge, on this extremely knowledgeable metal site.

The name is Equilibrium, the country is Germany, the genre… some extreme traditional folk black metal or something along those lines. I find these distinctions between metal genres to be at least fallacious, but that’s just me.

Anyway, the video above is not new, but I hope you enjoy it as I do.


Anthrax and Kirk sitting in a tree…

Kirk “The ball-to-little-girl’s-face kicker” Hammett, Metallica‘s guitarist, joined Anthrax on stage in San Francisco.

It happened last night and he did guest vocals (huh?) on “I Am The Law.”

Then he remembered he sort of plays guitar, and played “Whiplash.”

The audio from the clip above is awful. There’s another clip after the jump, audio is just as bad. So yeah, don’t watch it.


Trivium go acoustic

Is that Iron Maiden? Yes it is. Is it Iron Maiden‘s “Iron Maiden’? Yes it is.

Trivium like acoustic guitars now, apparently.

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