
Queensrÿche want you to think they’re hip

Geoff Tate, vocalist of Queensrÿche, conducted an interview recently with a magazine from the U.K.

Basically, Geoff discusses how he is glad people listen to music these days on their iPods and iPhones and that he doesn’t miss the vinyl days one bit.  He also denies they are prog metal and that rock music is dead.

Rock is pretty much dead. If you look at the numbers, it’s definitely not the music of the times anymore. If it’s gonna keep moving, bands need to embrace new ideas. There’s a lot of elements to rock that, mentally speaking, are kinda boneheaded. Like the whole “chunk-chunk-chunk” guitar progression — the stuff you play when you’re learning the damn thing. You would hope bands would get beyond that.

The rest of the interview can be found in the latest issue of  U.K.’s Classic Rock magazine (people still buy music magazines? Lolz).

If you want to check out their most recent snooze fest single, ‘Get Started,’ then click here.  Or you can click here for a better Queensrÿche song.

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