
Weekly Dose of Metal: Torture Killer

We’re going back to the roots here. Dose of Metal started off as a project of mine via Twitter. I tried getting friends of mine into Metal by tweeting ‘Daily Doses of Metal,’ recommending songs to them. Doing this daily didn’t work out though, because of various reasons.

Now, that we seetled in with DoseOfMetal.com, we’re resurrecting the doses, this time doing it weekly instead of daily. I’ll just post a random song that I like and that I think is worth checking out.

We’re starting off with Torture Killer. A band that started as a Six Feet Under cover band and then somehow convinced Six Feet Under vocalist Chris Barnes to join them and the bunch recorded the album ‘Swarm!’ together. Barnes isn’t with TK anymore though but they continued with a new singer and released the album ‘Severs’ with him in 2009. This is a song of said album, called ‘I bathe in their Blood’. Enjoy!

About Guido

elite metaller
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